up off the floor
2017 is poised to be a powerful year. I want to walk through it grounded and passionate…so I’d better get up off the floor.
When my teacher Lee Harris shared how many of us have been on-the-floor / off-the-floor in November and December, that resonated as true. Much of this winter has been a struggle to be UP for my coaching clients and for me.
The struggle sparks action. When I’m brave and present, I’ve experienced moments of cheek-flushing exuberance as I speak my truth. Vision clarified…passion sparked.
But there are also lonnnnng moments of exhaustion. Feeling stuck. Heavy.
So a few weeks ago I got serious about my intention to come up off the floor. I asked a dear friend to be my accountability partner. I’ve used this in business and fitness before. Now it’s time to apply it to my consciousness journey.
We have phone calls a few times a week. We each take a set amount of time to unload what’s on our mind. And then she asks me this question:
what is the higher truth in this?
That one question cuts through the crap. Through the story. It urges me to go to the heart of the matter. So I can get to the place of noticing what’s in my highest good.
In a flash I see one of these spiritual truths…
I am not alone.
This will pass.
I am supported.
I can ask for what I need.
I set this deadline so I can change it.
I am the one judging myself here.
As I wipe away the sludge I remember the vision for my work. For my life. For deep presence. You can too. Feel the spark of passion. See the beauty that already exists. Reach out. Do whatever it takes to get up off the floor.
Remember…you have all you need within you and around you.
Breathe. Notice. Choose.