Bottom up
This February feels like September. Not just because the year has already felt lonnnng. But because September is about making stuff happen! And that’s been the theme this month. A renewed energy for action, now that dreary January is over. Are you feeling it?
So let’s do it together…from the bottom up.
That’s how I pick fruit trees. From the bottom up. Yes, I realize that usually happens in September too. But stay with me…it’s been a wild 12 months. We can pick fruit in the spring.
Patiently. Slowly. Bottom. Up.
Look on the ground. Pick the fruit that’s fallen on the grass. This creates space for your goal. It often means physically cleaning up a work space, home or office. Getting rid of old things that drag us down. Remnants of the ‘ugh’ times we’ve come through. If we give this attention before attempting to climb toward the fruit at the top of the tree, we literally pave the way for success. This may take hours or days.
Then pick the low hanging fruit. These are the baby steps toward the goal – quick and requiring little energy. Together these usually take a full week or more. A little research. A conversation. Buying supplies. Scheduling time in the calendar. Telling someone we trust to help us stay accountable.
Only then pull out the ladder to start climbing toward the sweet goal at the top of the tree.
Pick just one goal to climb toward right now.
Capacity is LOW.
So pick wisely.
Get rid of the long list. Choose just one. What goal will have a significant impact on your life? On those around you? Big or small – no pressure. What might lighten you up? Plug you in? Lift you up? What do you want to create or contribute?
Here are the bottom up plans I’ve heard this month:
- land a new job: ask for resume feedback
- downscale the busy calendar: say no to multiple things
- register for a Masters program: first research options
- rigorously schedule recovery, connection and joy time: choose one thing every day just for you
- teach a webinar: by first sweeping the desk of backlogged paperwork
- live a more healthy and honest life: express and hold clearer boundaries
- grow the business: write a list of people to follow-up with then call one each day
When I pick from the bottom up, I honor my energy and give time to prepare. I create calm urgency rather than undue pressure.
The desire for action this February is real. Each coaching client and strategic planning group I work with is saying they want to get out of the rut, shake off stagnation, and feel purposeful. If you’re feeling that same stirring, I invite you to pick wisely.
The fruit at the top of my tree is to write more. So thanks for reading.
I want to be a part of your journey. Write me. Coach with me. Bring your team along. Let’s do this together.
And, as always, remember to… Breathe. Notice. Choose.