What now?
I’ve asked myself this question. Every single day. For months.
What now?
So many of us are repeating it. Aloud. Or in silence.
It’s in the tone of clients who phone me asking, ‘What now in my career? My relationship?‘ It’s in the eyes of strangers I pass at the grocery store, from 2 metres away, above the face mask. It’s embedded in the emails of leaders reaching out for strategic planning.
What now?
I keep waiting for a bolt of clarity. A day brimming with inspiration.
And then it comes in snippets. A moment of clarity. An hour of inspiration. Frankly, writing to you in those moments would feel false. Righteous.
So instead, I’ll share with you the questions. The ones I’ve been asking myself and my coaching clients for weeks and weeks. In the hopes that a slightly different question may help you put pencil to paper. To make a few markings on the ‘What now?’ page.
What do I want to experience now? Feel now?
How am I betraying myself now?
What is good now?
This pandemic is inspiring us [or forcing us] to change careers, relationships and habits. What can you choose right now toward the experience you want? The feeling you want? Don’t put pressure to map it all out. I have a hard time planning more than two weeks ahead right now. Be patient with yourself.
Dr. Sealy-Jefferson explains self-betrayal in a powerful way: we assume that silence, and keeping others comfortable, will insure some future positive potential outcome…when in reality, that person isn’t going to help us achieve that desired outcome. Are you willing to speak up for yourself? Watch her in action here.
And finally, what is GOOD now? Gratitude shifts our lens. My friend Darci Lang reminds me to focus on the 90% that’s good in my life rather than the 10% that’s not. Even in this pandemic when it feels like that 10% is swelling, noticing the good grounds me and helps me return to a little ‘joy, joy, joy, joy down in my heart!’ as Gramma used to sing. Darci’s 90% books may be just the shift you need – buy them here. Or watch her inspiring videos and hire her to lead a webinar for your team.
And, as always, remember to… Breathe. Notice. Choose.
So, ‘What now?’ for me – three things are emerging in my work:
- Lots of strategic planning with companies and leaders: it’s reset time! Through strategy planning, clients are creating clarity and new processes while working through old stuff that’s been dragging them down for years. Let’s talk.
- Shorter coaching series: instead of requiring clients to sign on for a full series, I’m working with you and your PD budget to offer coaching support through 2020 in smaller chunks. All of my coaching work is done over the phone or video so it suits the current environment perfectly. More here.
- Webinars to inspire, refresh and equip leaders and staff to thrive in this new era: check them out here.